
Monday, 19 October 2020

Niue History Questions

 1) This week it is _____ language week.

a) Samoan b) TonganPacific migration routes

c) Fijian d) Niuean

2) What is Niue often referred to as?

a) The sun spot of Polynesia b) The Rock of Polynesia

c) The tiny island nation d) The heart of the Pacific

3) Who was the first European settler to sight Niue?

a) Captain James Cook b) Captain Jack Sparrow

c) Captain James Busby c) Captain Hook

i) When did he sight Niue?


4) What is the name of the Niuean bark cloth?

a) Hiapo b) Tapa Cloth

c) Print d) Patterns

5) Describe what a motif is:

A motif is a recurring narrative element with symbolic significance. If you spot a symbol, concept, or plot structure that surfaces repeatedly in the text, you're probably dealing with a motif. They must be related to the central idea of the work, and they always end up reinforcing the author's overall message.

6) Niueans were the first to introduce what to their hiapo?

a) Animals b) Names

c) People d) Flowers

7) How many attempts did Captain Cook make to land in Niue? 

a) Three b) Two

c) None d) One 

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