
Friday, 29 May 2020

Avengers perspective VS Thanos’ perspective.

Thanos is on his journey to collect the Infinity Stones. He is on a warpath to get what he thinks is necessary for the universe. 
Task: Write a creative and descriptive narrative about Thanos’ journey to get the infinity stones. Choose to either write from Avengers perspective or Thanos’ perspective.

Perspectives: put yourself in their shoes. What would happen in your story if you were Thanos? What would you do if you were an Avenger?

Bronze medal 2 paragraphs
Silver medal = 3 paragraphs
Gold medal = 5 paragraphs

Start your writing here:

I would want to go in the Avengers team because they are really good at fighting and also they have really cool power that i wanted to have in my whole life. I would’nt go in Thanos' team because he is really bad and evil and also he is inheavenible and strong.

In the Avengers team they work really hard to make things fix and better. I really like the way that the woman  with the red eyes said to Thanos that he took everything from her then Thanos said that i not no you then the girl said you will after that Thanos tried to kill her but she used her super skills to get him away from her. Next  when she stopped it made Thanos stronger and when he cliked his fingers it did’t do anything to kill the Avengers until iron man said he took a deep breath and said i am iron man and he cliked is finger and KABOOM Everything went white and then it went back to normal. And all the AVENGERS were safe all together but Thanos turned into a sand and went so he was dead and vanished away.

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